March 6, 2003
Dear Colleague:
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in a unique
forum being organized for September 14th and 15th, 2003 within
the context of the World Parks Congress:
Southern and East African Experts Panel on Designing
Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock
Implications for Wildlife, Livestock, and Human Health
Who and What – You have been selected
for invitation to this important forum because of your expertise
and experience at the interface between wildlife, livestock,
and human health. The theme of this World Parks Congress is,
quite appropriately,
‘Benefits Beyond Boundaries.’ The World Parks Congress
itself is only held once every 10 years, and fewer than 50 international
animal health and other experts have been invited to participate
in this opportune working meeting focused on the wildlife/livestock
interface. We hope you will join us, and help (i)raise the profile
of your issues in this important conservation venue(i). In fact,
we welcome co-sponsorship by your home institution. It is our
hope that by the time the Congress arrives, many of you will
be co-conveners of this important meeting along with the Wildlife
Conservation Society (WCS), the IUCN SSC Veterinary Specialist
Group (VSG), the IUCN SSC Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist
Group (SASUSG), the Pan-African Programme for the Control of
Epizootics / Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (PACE/IBAR),
and others.
Where and When –
*Southern and East African Experts Panel on Designing Successful
Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock
Interface: Implications for Wildlife, Livestock, and Human Health:
SEPTEMBER 14 and 15, 2003
*Within the IUCN World Parks Congress: SEPTEMBER 817, 2003
*Associated with Congress Stream “Building Broader Support
for Protected Areas”: SEPTEMBER 1115, 2003
The IUCN World Parks Congress is being held in Durban, South
Africa September 8 17, 2003 (more details on the Congress
available at
The relevance of animal health to protected areas and conservation
more broadly will be introduced in the open sessions of the “Building
Broader Support for Protected Areas Stream” on the 12th.
To participate in the wildlife/livestock/human health forum it
is essential that you arrive before the two full-day working
sessions on Sunday September 14th and Monday September 15th.
Please see attachment 5-DraftAHEADagenda. We of course encourage
you to participate in as much of the Congress as you are able.
[Please complete attachment 2-WPCNominForm.doc and e-mail or
fax it back as indicated to IUCN. They need the form to manage
logistics of the meeting.] (i)We hope to be able to cover the
costs of all invitees for airfares and lodging for the nights
of the 13th, 14th and 15th(i). More details on funding will follow,
as we are still exploring options with several potential donors.
Why – For those of you familiar with
the convening institutions, you know that bringing the health
sciences more intimately into conservation’s mainstream
has been among our strongest collective goals. The Wildlife Conservation
Society (WCS), lead sponsor of this forum, is the only large
international nongovernmental conservation organization with
a Field Veterinary Program dedicated to strengthening the links
between the conservation and health sciences. WCS is now launching
a collaborative initiative called Animal Health for the Environment
And Development AHEAD. With the World Parks Congress being
held in South Africa, this seems like a perfect venue to kick
it off. AHEAD’s initial focus is on Southern and East Africa
and its key protected areas, buffer zones, and corridors (real
and proposed within the transboundary vision continuing to gain
momentum regionally). We look to you to help define the most
pressing animal-health related conservation and development challenges,
and to also share the solutions you feel are most promising.
The IUCN SSC Veterinary Specialist Group (VSG), now co-chaired
by Dr. Richard Kock and Dr. William Karesh, is very interested
in the nexus of conservation and animal health policy. To that
end, co-sponsoring this forum is very appropriate for the VSG
as we begin our first triennium together. The Pan-African Programme
for the Control of Epizootics / Inter-African Bureau for Animal
Resources (PACE/IBAR), representing the first continental epidemiology
programme, focuses on unraveling the epidemiology of diseases
of economic and ecological importance to livestock as well as
wildlife, including but not limited to rinderpest. The IUCN SSC
Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist Group (SASUSG) works
to bring sound science to bear on natural resource management
decisions that directly affect the livelihoods and cultures of
Africa’s people, as well as the future of Africa’s
wildlife. Acting as a catalyst for research, policy debate, information
management, and action on sustainable use issues, the SASUSG
has long recognized the importance of the health sciences to
sound natural resources management. As socioeconomic progress
demands sustained improvements in health for humans, their domestic
animals, and the environment, our institutions recognize the
need to move towards a “one health”
perspective- an approach that we hope will be the foundation
of our discussions in Durban.
Our goal for this forum is to be catalytic. (b)The ideas you
bring to the table remain your own(b). Simply put, by raising
the profile of these issues, it is our hope that the donor community
will also be sensitized to the importance of the types of work
we all believe are critical. As described below, this forum is
meant to foster the development of concrete plans for conservation
and development work at the wildlife/livestock/human health interface,
and we hope to work with you to help find funding to help you
get the work done. While we can of course make no guarantees
at this stage, we do feel that the forum we hope you’ll
participate in in Durban is an excellent first step toward building
a network of colleagues willing to share lessons learned and
work together- to enhance prospects for conservation and development
in their areas of focus for years to come. In short, we hope
you’ll become an active member of the AHEAD network and
help shape its core conceptual underpinnings.
An agenda for the two-day working forum is outlined below. The
symposium focuses on concrete deliverables- a plan for follow-on
action, as described in the agenda. Catalyzing real world change
for the better is of course very important to all of us. We think
animal and related human health issues represent an unfortunately
all-too-often neglected sector of critical importance to the
long-term ecological and sociopolitical security of protected
areas around the world. Whether we are talking about the ongoing
tuberculosis crisis in and around Kruger National Park, the impacts
of foot and mouth disease on land-use planning in southern Africa,
or the brucellosis saga costing US authorities in and around
Yellowstone National Park millions of dollars to manage, these
issues merit more proactive attention in and around many of the
world's protected areas, conservancies, buffer zones, and corridors
than they have gotten to date. We hope you agree.
Please note that the draft agenda below is illustrative. Any
of the topics listed are “up for grabs” if you want
to address them in the paper / 15 minute talk we are asking you
to consider presenting. Feel free to suggest any other topic
you feel is relevant. Once we know who is planning to attend
and what topics they will address, a final agenda will of course
be circulated (a draft mock agenda showing time allotments is
in attachment 5-DraftAHEADagenda). (i)Please note that there
are only 26 fifteen-minute speaking slots available(i) (one day
of such presentations). We will try to accommodate as many proposed
presentations as possible- likely on a ‘first come, first
served’ basis. Even if you choose not to present a talk
on day one of the working meeting, we still want you to join
us! The Working Group Sessions on the second day of the forum
(again, see agenda) are essential for the outcome of this meeting
to be successful, and your participation in these creative, interactive
sessions is needed! Please see attachment 1b-ReplyForm.doc sent
with this letter for the information we need you to send back
to us as soon as possible in order to ensure a results-oriented,
productive meeting. If for some reason you would like to recommend
a specific colleague in your place, we are open to such suggestions
as well as to suggestions of other participants we should consider.
Please recognize that space is very limited, so it is unlikely
many additional invitations can be extended.
We look forward to hearing from you! Again, please send back
the reply sheet (1b-ReplyForm.doc) sent to you with this letter
as soon as possible. The additional informational attachments
referred to above will be sent to those invitees indicating they
will attend, or to any invitees requesting additional information.
Steve Osofsky
Senior Policy Advisor, Wildlife Health- WCS Field Veterinary
William Karesh- Head- WCS Field Veterinary Program; Co-Chair
Richard Kock- Technical Officer- Wildlife Epidemiology Unit PACE/IBAR;
Michael Kock- Animal Health Advisor- IUCN SSC SASUSG
Southern and East African Experts Panel on Designing Successful
Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock
Implications for Wildlife, Livestock, and Human Health
Organized/sponsored by (list still under development): Wildlife
Conservation Society (WCS) (lead); IUCN SSC Veterinary Specialist
Group; Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics /
Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (PACE/IBAR); IUCN SSC
Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist Group (SASUSG); YOUR
Activity: A two-day interactive forum at which
invited Southern and East African and other experts share their
vision for conservation and development success at the wildlife
/ livestock interface with World Parks Congress attendees and
invited representatives from bilateral and multilateral development
agencies and other interested parties.
Purpose: To foster a sharing of ideas among
African practitioners and development professionals that will
lead to concrete and creative initiatives that address conservation
and development challenges related to health at the livestock/wildlife/human
interface. The focus of presentations will be ongoing efforts
and future needs in and around the region's flagship protected
areas and conservancies and their buffer zones- the places where
tensions and challenges at the livestock/wildlife interface are
Day 1 – Overview of Challenges to Conservation and Development
at the Livestock / Wildlife Interface:
Opening Address: Dr. Richard Kock- PACE / IBAR and IUCN SSC
Veterinary Specialist Group
(Sample Possible Themes of Day 1 Invited Presentations- Please
tell us what you what like to present on- these are just suggestions!):
*Diseases that affect the natural resources management and livestock
*Human livelihoods and healthy animals- ideas for improvements
in conservation and development interventions
*Disease surveillance in wildlife, livestock and people- importance
and practicalities
*Community-Based Animal Health Care- successes and failures
around protected areas
*Grass-roots human health and animal health intervention strategies-
are there economies of scale (and of science) in combined approaches?
*Veterinary services and the role of governments- priorities
for the future
*Conservation NGOs and Development NGOs and the 'human health-livestock
health-wildlife health triangle'- models for better collaboration
*Transboundary conservation landscapes and implications for
domestic and wild animal movements and international management
*Animal and human trypanosomiasis: potential for expansion of
tsetse fly range via transboundary protected areas
*Persistence and re-emergence of human sleeping sickness in
the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem
*Persistence and re-emergence of human sleeping sickness in
and around Uganda’s protected areas
*Containing wild animal maintenance hosts of foot and mouth
disease (FMD): implications for countries with disease-free status
/ those seeking disease-free status
*Virus topotypes and the role of wildlife in foot and mouth
disease (FMD)
*Food-security and land-use policy: finding the right balance
between wildlife and livestock in marginal semi-arid lands
*Role of disease prevention and control in poverty reduction
and food security strategies- public and private sector animal
health policy and implementation needs within and beyond park
*Protected areas, animal disease, and impacts on trade- balancing
priorities in East and Southern Africa
*Wildlife as a land-use choice: practical and regulatory veterinary
concerns for community-based as well as large-scale commercial
*Rinderpest: historical impacts and current issues for protected
areas and pastoralists- strategies for control at the livestock
/ wildlife interface
*Options and trade-offs related to improved livestock production
tempering a growing bushmeat trade
*Communications and health: the value of improved information
technologies to the 'human health-livestock health-wildlife health
* What if we do nothing? ‘Business as usual’ and
prospects for ecosystem health in protected areas and their buffer
Day 2 – Moderated Working Groups bringing African and
other experts and senior foreign assistance professionals together
to outline key priorities for future work on the themes discussed
on Day 1:
AM- Moderated Working Groups outline project concepts they think
can practically address the challenges discussed on Day 1. Working
Groups to be landscape-focused so the proposal outlines that
are developed are geo-referenced to places (which include core
protected areas) of conservation interest (landscapes of focus
will likely depend on final representation at the meeting). The
emphasis should be on projects that can and should be developed
and implemented soon. Concepts emphasizing further research must
justify that the proposed research is critical to improved management
practices on the ground.
AM session 1: Working Groups, arranged by country, meet to outline
pilot project ideas for Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,
Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Concepts
for transboundary work to be included in these outlines. Each
Working Group should focus on no more than 3-4 pilot project
concepts (including transboundary endeavors) to outline.
AM session 2: plenary- Each Working Group selects a representative
to explain pilot project concept(s) outlined for their region.
Working lunch- Representatives from each working group convene
to delineate
"measures of success"- what criteria should these conservation and development
interventions be measured by? A suggested list of indicators of success relevant
to goals at the livestock/wildlife interface should be outlined. This outline
is to be distributed to all participants as the afternoon Working Groups get
PM session 1: Working Groups Meet, this time together with any
other Group relevant to identified transboundary work (thus forming
larger Transboundary Groups). Transboundary project concepts
are to be outlined and refined, with 'cross-border' sharing of
ideas essential. Working Groups without identified transboundary
needs continue to work on project concepts for their chosen landscapes.
PM session 2: plenary- Each Transboundary Working Group selects
a representative to briefly explain pilot transboundary project
concept(s) outlined for their region. Working Groups without
identified transboundary needs select a representative to summarize
key new thoughts since the AM sessions. Presenters should reference
how identified or modified "measures of success" may help them
monitor conservation / development results in their landscapes.
Closing Address: Dr. Steve Sanderson, Chief Executive Officer
of the Wildlife Conservation Society
Follow-up: The immediate product of the meeting will be
proceedings of the talks given on Day 1, and a written summary
of the outlines for envisioned future work produced by Day 2's
Working Groups.
Longer term, WCS will work with interested participants from
the various Working Groups to help them more fully develop the
outlines into full proposals for donor consideration. Obviously
this will involve broader consultation within the regions of
focus with a wider range of stakeholders than could be accommodated
at this initial forum.