SADC TADs Project
Scientific Symposium on Foot and Mouth Disease in SADC
Joint SADC / AHEAD Workshop on Reconciling Livestock Health and
Wildlife Conservation Goals in Southern Africa: Strategies for
Sustainable Economic Development
Phakalane Golf Estate, Gaborone,
Botswana, November 13-16, 2012
Download Workshop Proceedings

In November 2012, the Southern African Development Community
(SADC) and the Wildlife Conservation Society's AHEAD (Animal & Human
Health for the Environment And Development) Program co-hosted
a 3½ day forum that incorporated a technical symposium
on foot and mouth disease (FMD) and a workshop on “Reconciling
Livestock Health and Wildlife Conservation Goals in Southern
Africa: Strategies for Sustainable Economic Development."
100 invited delegates (from government, nongovernmental organizations,
multilateral institutions, the private sector as well as academia)
with expertise in the livestock agriculture, wildlife conservation
and other sectors converged at this important forum in order
to map out next steps for optimizing cross-sectoral land-use
planning in the interest of resilient livelihoods and development
success that is economically, socially and ecologically sustainable
over the long term.
Basis for the meeting:
It is now well recognized that across
parts of southern Africa both livestock and wildlife represent
economic growth opportunities. However, costs associated with
current approaches to managing international trade-associated
animal disease risks often preclude the livestock sector's access
to international markets. Many attempts to meet international
standards related to 'freedom from disease' under currently emphasized
geographically-based policy constructs have had significant negative
repercussions for free-ranging wildlife, largely related to veterinary
cordon fencing. The time has come to seriously explore alternative
animal health and trade management regimes that do not implicitly
pit the livestock and wildlife sectors against each other.
At the
June 2012 meeting of the SADC Livestock Technical Committee,
the Committee endorsed commodity-based approaches to disease
management and trade, adopted OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code
Article 8.5.25 as a regional standard, and delineated the significant
challenges posed by FMD currently faced by the region. All of
this provided a timely opportunity to rethink the region’s
approach to FMD management.