Herding 4 Hope
herding4hope.org |

The Rockefeller Foundation
www.rockefellerfoundation.org |

The MacArthur Foundation
www.macfound.org |

IUCN WPC 'Disease and Protected Area Management'
within 'Emerging Issues' Congress Output
IUCN World Parks Congress
www.iucn.org/themes/wcpa/wpc2003/index.htm |
Wildlife Health Specialist Group
www.iucn-vsg.org |
African Union/Interafrican Bureau for
Animal Resources,
Pan African Programme for the Control of
Epizootics (AU-IBAR PACE)
www.au-ibar.org |
The Wellcome Trust
www.wellcome.ac.uk |
Community-based Animal Health and Participatory
Epidemiology Unit (CAPE)
http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/Project/60388/ |
Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist
www.sasusg.org |
Mammal Research Institute, University
of Pretoria
www.up.ac.za/mammal-research-institute/ |
ARC – Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute
www.ovi.ac.za/main/intro.htm |
Conservation Through Public Health
www.ctph.org |

Office International des Epizooties (OIE)
www.oie.int/eng/en_index.htm |

www.frameweb.org |

Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA)
www.tanzaniaparks.com |

South African National Parks (SANParks)
www.parks-sa.co.za |

Botswana Department of Wildlife and National
Parks (DWNP)
www.mewt.gov.bw/DWNP/ |

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
www.kws.go.ke |

International Livestock Research Institute
www.ilri.org |
Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG)
www.frameweb.org/ev.php?ID=6782_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC |
Peace Parks Foundation
www.peaceparks.org |

Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley
nature.berkeley.edu/espm/divisions/ib.html |

Wildlife Disease Association: Africa and Middle East Section
www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/whc/wdaafrica |

DINAP/Unidade de Epidemiologia Veterinária (UEV)
www.teledata.mz/uevdinap |

Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO)
www.itswild.org |
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
www.usaid.gov |
Transboundary Protected Areas Research Initiative
www.wits.ac.za/tpari |

Sand County Foundation
www.sandcountry.net |

Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), Namibia
www.met.gov.na |

Strengthening the Protected Area Network (SPAN) Project,
www.span.org.na |

Cooperazione e Sviluppo (Cooperation and Development)
www.cesvi.org |

Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS)
www.uz.ac.zw/units/cass |
SADC Biodiversity Support Programme
www.sabsp.org/strategy/index.html |
Wildlife Health Center
www.wildlifehealthcenter.org |

Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University
of Cape Town
web.uct.ac.za/depts/fitzpatrick/ |

WCS Rungwa-Ruaha Living Landscapes Conservation Program
www.rungwa-ruaha.org |

WWF-SARPO (Southern Africa Regional Programme Office)
www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/africa/what_we_do/southern_africa/index.cfm |

International Rural Poultry Centre (IRPC) / KYEEMA Foundation
www.kyeemafoundation.org |

Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
www.tnrf.org |

Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche
Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)
www.cirad.fr/fr/le_cirad/index.php |

República de Moçambique
http://www.mozambique.mz |

National Zoological Gardens of South Africa
http://www.zoo.ac.za |

Competing Claims on Natural Resources Program
http://www.competingclaims.nl/CC/Home.html |

Endangered Wildlife Trust
www.ewt.org.za |

Wageningen University - Plant Production Systems Group
www.pps.wur.nl/UK |

vetmed.illinois.edu/envirovet/index.html |

Mozambique TFCA Coordination Unit
www.actf.gov.mz |

University of Florida, Center for African Studies
web.africa.ufl.edu |

Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria
www.up.ac.za/academic/veterinary/ |

International Conservation and Education Fund
www.incef.org |

www.galvmed.org |
TAD Scientific
www.tadscientific.co.za |
Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area
www.kavangozambezi.org |
South African Veterinary Foundation
www.savf.org.za |
Research Platform - Production and Conservation in Partnership
www.rp-pcp.org |
Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust
www.vicfallswildlifetrust.org/ |

Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa
www.driversofdisease.org |

Herding 4 Health
www.peaceparks.org/h4h |