"Relevance of ROSELT/OSS Programme in Maintaining
the Ecological Integrity of Protected Areas and Surrounding
Jesse Njoka
The ecological changes taking place in protected areas are
both due to natural processes and human activities. In the
absence of long term monitoring data from the protected areas
it is difficult to distinguish these two types of changes.
Various initiatives to monitor these changes using modern
technologies such as remote sensing devices among others
are being tested in an uncoordinated fashion. There is need
for establishing long -term ecological observatories at the
local level to monitor the ecological integrity of protected
areas and the adjacent buffer zones to obtain sound scientific
data on the interaction of the local human population and
the natural resources, especially with respect to those within
the protected areas. The goal of the Réseau d'Observatoires
de Surveillance Ecologique à Long Terme (ROSELT) programme
is to monitor these changes on a long-term basis to generate
scientific information for decision-making in development
and for conservation of ecological integrity.
The ROSELT programme also seeks to identify management indicators
at the local observatory level. Each observatory includes
both the protected areas and systems altered through agriculture
or urban development. The programme involves several countries
participating as member countries of OSS.
In order to assess how the natural system is changing with
time, ROSELT seeks to establish a baseline map / state of
the area under each observatory against which changes can
be monitored in the future. The programme has identified
several observatories which are representative of the important
ecological zones in the drylands. The baseline study involves
compilation of existing information from previous studies
and selection of the minimum data set to be collected on
a regular basis at the lowest cost. Selection of indicators,
which will assist decision-makers to assess trends in the
ecological integrity of protected areas as well as areas
under agriculture, will be an important output of this programme.
These indicators will monitor changes in the ecological,
social, economic and management trends of protected areas
and surrounding areas. A well-designed monitoring and evaluation
model will be able to detect threatening processes such as
those related to invasive species, poaching, natural resources
conflicts, and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources.
Since the pilot observatories in each participating country
are certified in terms of the quality of scientific data
that is collected, this certification process can be extended
to protected area systems as well as to areas beyond the
boundaries of protected areas. The ROSELT programme is relevant
at the local level for each observatory, but several observatories
at the nation level will scale-up the ability to detect problems
that imply the need for policy change. This approach will
also scale-up interpretation of information at sub-regional
and regional levels.