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6th AHEAD–GLTFCA Working Group Meeting
9th-10th March, 2006

Venue: Pestana Kruger Lodge, Mpumalanga, South Africa
(outside Nelspruit, near Kruger's Malelane Gate)

NOTE: The focus of this meeting is “Current Science, Development and Policy Needs in the GLTFCA”- discussion papers on key research and development problems in the GLTFCA. Presentations should be approximately 20 minutes, with the remainder of the time allotted for a given topic being available for discussion. These sessions are meant to better define core problems identified, encourage interdisciplinary discourse, and perhaps lead to the development of additional proposals by consortium members to support identified critical needs. Listed presenters are kindly asked to prepare a two page summary ahead of time and circulate these and any additional material before the meeting or at least have it ready at the start of the meeting. Thank you in advance for your time and contribution.

Blue linked items indicate available PDFs of presentations

Day One: Thursday 9th March

0900 Welcome (Carlos Lopes Pereira, Chair Danie Pienaar)

0905 Introductions- around the room

0915 Brief introduction to AHEAD and background (Steve Osofsky, Mike Kock)

0920 Objectives and format of the 6th Working Group Meeting (David Cumming)

0930 “An Introduction to Complex Systems thinking and research [Complex adaptive systems 101]” (Harry Biggs)

1030 Tea/Coffee break

1045 “Developing conceptual frameworks, models and linkages between themes and modules for the AHEAD-GLTFCA programme” (David Cumming)

1145 “Introduction to ‘Scenarios’ process and plans for year 1 with Sand County Foundation, USAID, and WCS support”; group reactions / discussion (Michael Murphree)

1300 Lunch

1400 Brief informal presentations (incl. DeMartini PP on SAVANNA and Maartens PP on Malaria) / updates by proponents of concepts / projects submitted so far and discussion (Facilitator: Cumming)

1530 Tea/Coffee break

1545 “Animal disease threats and priorities in the GLTFCA- a JMB Conservation & Veterinary Sub-Committee perspective on ‘real world’ relationships between management / policy decisions and research” (Roy Bengis, Chris Foggin [unconfirmed])

1635 “BTB and the livestock/wildlife/human interface- experiences in KwaZulu-Natal” (Claire Geoghegan, Wayne Getz)

1655 “Report on the Sengwe Communal Land BTB Survey” (Lisa Marabini, Keith Dutlow, Chris Foggin [unconfirmed])

1715 “BTB roundtable update on current research, major findings, unanswered questions and research plans / priorities in the GLTFCA” (Wayne Getz, Markus Hofmeyr, Nick Kriek, Anita Michel, Roy Bengis, Carlos Lopes Pereira, Lisa Marabini, Keith Dutlow, Stuart Hargreaves [unconfirmed])

1800 Brief review of progress, outline of tomorrow’s programme and break for evening (Facilitator: Cumming) Adjourn for dinner (dinner at Pestana provided by WCS)- Please come back for Day 2!

Day Two: Friday 10th March

0830 “FMD epidemiology and research needs in the GLTFCA” (Wilna Vosloo, Gavin Thomson)

0900 “Tick borne diseases: some perspectives and research opportunities in the GLTFCA” (Graeme Cumming)

0945 “Databases and GIS for the GLTFCA: a resource available to the programme” (Louis van Schalkwyk)

1030 “Socio-economic research in the GLTFCA - a review of recent work, gaps and priorities” (Anna Spenceley, Daniel Marnewick and Conrad Steenkamp)

1115 Tea/Coffee break

1130 “Rural development and ecosystem health in the GLTFCA - current issues and research and management needs” (Giuseppe Daconto)

1230 Project development in the pipeline – IDRC, Fondation Ensemble?, MacArthur (climate change)?, British Ecological Society, others? (David Cumming, Steve Osofsky, Mike Kock, Harry Biggs, Markus Hofmeyr, group)

1245 Proposal for a core AHEAD GLTFCA steering group (presenters: Biggs / Hofmeyr / Kriek / Kock / Osofsky others as available) and discussion (Facilitator: Cumming)

1300 Institutional commitments to the programme: finalising “letters of collaboration,” etc. (Facilitator: Cumming)

1315 Next steps, actions and responsibilities (Facilitator: Cumming)

1330 Next meeting- when, where, and seeking a volunteer host? (Facilitator: Cumming)

1345 Thanks and closure (lunch provided)

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