Stakeholder Validation Workshop:
Gap Analysis for Implementation of CBT of Beef in Ngamiland
A DVS Workshop, in collaboration with AHEAD
Maun, Botswana, July 30 – 1 August, 2019
Download Gap Analysis Final Report including Workshop Summary (PDF)

In July 2019, Botswana's Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), in collaboration with Cornell University's AHEAD (Animal & Human Health for the Environment And Development) Programme, hosted the above-mentioned workshop. Additional support was provided by The Rockefeller Foundation, the David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, and the European Union.
The 3-day workshop was attended by 105 participants, including technical experts from both the livestock and wildlife sectors, representatives from Ngamiland farming communities, traditional and local government authorities, as well as stakeholders from the private sector (including the beef and tourism sectors), development partners, NGOs, diverse government departments, and academia. The workshop provided an opportunity to: (i) develop a common understanding of commodity-based trade (CBT) approaches to beef production; (ii) review and evaluate the identified gaps along the value chain, as well as potentially identify additional ones; and (iii) identify, through a participatory process, where and how stakeholders might play roles in filling those gaps.
Basis for the meeting:
The Government of Botswana is committed to implementing CBT. To assist in these efforts, the AHEAD consortium, in collaboration with DVS, has provided technical support on the practicalities of implementing this innovative approach in Ngamiland. As part of an 18-month-long evaluation process, a gap analysis was completed. The report offers a detailed analysis of the situation in Ngamiland, and identifies key gaps that could affect successful implementation of CBT and resolution of land-use conflicts at the livestock / wildlife interface. Very importantly, the report offers clear, practical recommendations.
This final version of the report now reflects the input received at the stakeholder validation workshop. Over the course of the meeting, attendees thoroughly reviewed and evaluated the gaps and recommendation highlighted in the report. Suggested modifications identified during breakout group sessions, and discussed in plenary sessions and agreed to, were incorporated directly into the report itself. In addition, a summary of the workshop is included as an annex.